Monday, March 4, 2019


Me - Perfect Mother = THIS
perfection: noun

per • fec • tion

1 : the quality or state of being perfect: such as

  a  :freedom from fault or defect : FLAWLESSNESS
  c  :the quality or state of being saintly

2  a: an exemplification of supreme excellence
    b: an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence

3 : the act or process of perfecting

"Perfection is the antithesis of authenticity." ~ Willie Garson

Now that we've gotten all of that out of the way, don't bother Googling Willie Garson. He's "Stanford" from Sex and the City. I will wait while you google him anyway....

I've been pondering this idea of perfection quite a bit lately. What does the perfect mother look like? The perfect wife? The perfect Christian? I can't explain where these thoughts come from. They just have this sneaky way of creeping into my conscious thoughts every. single. day.

I wish I could say that I've come to some profound conclusion. I haven't. I doubt I ever will. But here is what I know...

The perfect wife...
Honors her husband all the time.
Takes it on the chin when she's wrong.
Is slow to anger.

The real wife...
Needs those reminders to let her know he deserves to be honored.
Argues until there isn't anything to argue about.
Is a hot head.

The perfect mother...
Has perfect children. Well-behaved. Well-mannered. 
Keeps a tidy and functional house.
Beams at the mere sight of her angelic children.

The real mother...
Has children. She picks her battles. She is not Emily Post.
Keeps her children in clean clothes. Her house is lived in.
Loves them deeply, but savors private moments to herself.

The perfect Christian...
Tells you they are the "perfect Christian."
Judges you.
Lives a life without sin.

The real Christian...
Wants to share their faith with you, but is probably anxious because you know them.
Walks alongside you, without judgement.
Sins. Falls short. Every. Single. Day.

Perfection. It's a myth. A tall tale. An urban legend. We can wish our lives away waiting to be the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect Christian. While we are on the quest to perfection, we might as well make everyone around us miserable because they don't meet the ideas of perfection the world has created for us.

Salvation. It's a true story. It's a big story. We can strive to be perfect without Jesus and it will never happen. We can accept Jesus and we will still never be perfect. But we will be His. Forever. And man, isn't that perfect...

Me + Bradley + All of Our Imperfections {GOD} = THIS

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