I decided to make
this an interactive blog post, so you're welcome to add your own expletive
depending on your level of hatred for the grocery store. On a scale of 1
to we-are-growing-all-of-our-own-food-so-we-never-have-to-shop-again, I'm ready
to start planting!
I get to our trip today, I need to take you back to the weekend. My
darling husband bought me an awesome juicer. To "motivate" his
purchase, I told him about all the cool baby stuff I could do with it (homemade
fruit snacks...hello!) and the totally-worth-it juice diet I want to
start (at a future date, of course). Honestly, I was more excited about
seeing the juice you could get out of lettuce...seriously? He bought said
juicer and it arrived yesterday in all of it's juicy glory. (Note of
warning: Amazon Prime is spawn of the devil. Get a huge juicer on your
doorstep in 2 days...yes, please! If anyone has heard of an AP rehab
program please let me know.)
Jump to present
day. Em and I have been going stir crazy and we were ready to bust out of
the house today. Our plan was to go have lunch with Bradley, then head to the
Fancy, Hippy-Dippy-Doo Grocery Store. We don't shop there all the
time, but there are a few things we like to get there and today seemed the
perfect day to go. Plus, Dr. Oz and mom blogs galore (legit sources,
right?)highly recommend buying organic, so why not spend twice as much on
things for my daughter to throw at me during dinner?
The first
mistake I made was calling my mother. We typically talk every day and
just check-in. We're chatting and she says she's meeting her sisters for
lunch and then babysitting my nephews so my sister-in-law can go to the grocery
store. I tell her we're going grocery shopping too, but I can't imagine
having to shop with 2 littles like Aryn would have to. I then
proceed to brag about how WELL-BEHAVED my (almost) toddler is in
the grocery store.
Before we left for
the Fancy Store, I was texting my other sister-in-law about my new
juicer. She tells me I HAVE to get my juicing produce from Aldi.
So, we add Aldi to our list of places to go. Turns out, she was right,
which she usually is. Plus, she's BOSSy.
5 bags of "juicy" produce - $40 at Aldi
We have a
great lunch with Bradley and everything at Aldi goes great. We move on to
the Fancy Store. My best guess is that about 4 feet into the store my
daughter lost her mind. She was OVER being in the buggy! We make it
through produce and meat and then we get to the baby aisle. She
helps me pick out some pouches (because this mama gave up on making baby food
after about a month of her not eating it). Because I will not open the pouch
and let her eat it, she screams at the top of her lungs for the next 8 aisles,
so I carry her (I know. I'm weak) the rest of the trip.
By the grace
of God, we make it to checkout. This is where, believe it or not, things
get really hairy. I am promptly shamed by the bag fellow because I didn't
bring my own bags. We may shop at the Hippy-Dippy-Doo store from
time to time, but our level of Hippy-Dippy-Doo-ness is not to the point
of bringing our own paper packaging to the grocery store. The poor old
lady checking me out sees my screaming child and, graciously, comes over to
help me put groceries on the conveyor thing. She even tells me how beautiful
she is, bless her heart.
At this point, a very old couple has gotten behind us in line.
They are making sweet faces at Em and cooing at her, like old folks do. Right
on cue, my wallet falls and out spills anywhere from $10-$15 one dollar bills.
Now, I know that these bills are leftover hands from a family game night
of Left, Right, Center. The elderly couple behind me, the judging bag boy
and the checkout lady, however, do not know this. By their looks, I know
they assume I do my day work as a stay-at-home mother and moonlight as an
exotic dancer. Bless. I bend over, child in arms, to pick up my dollar
bills. The (now known as sweet) bag boy asks if I need help out, which I
readily accept. He packs my car. We leave.
3 bags from "Fancy" - about $3,000 |
Thank you for sticking
through my rant. I really dislike the grocery store. I really, really dislike
grocery store shopping with a toddler. My mother may soon find herself
with 3 children to babysit on grocery store days. This mama may soon find
herself wine-ing instead of juicing. I'll use organic grapes, of course.
P.S. Em was asleep before we
left the "fancy" parking lot.
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