Friday, January 15, 2016


Welcome to my blog, or as I fondly call it, my "Emma-is-sleeping-and-I-don't-want-to-clean" project.  I have never fancied myself a writer.  I used to love writing. I was that kid - the one who got absolutely lost in the words of my stories. Then I was that girl who craved writing assignments for the simple fact that outlines gave my OCD all kinds of warm and fuzzies.  I was the student who needed to express myself on paper, because I wasn't comfortable doing it out loud.

When I began my teaching career, "Writer's Workshop" was the best part of my day. I wanted to infect my students with the same writing bug that I'd caught so many years before.  There aren't many things more exciting than hearing a 5-year-old read their latest masterpiece.  There was a place for poetry, prose, researching for nonfiction writing, and for fashioning a story modeled after the style of your favorite author.  For a short while it worked beautifully.

The pendulum of public education swung (as it usually does) and writing for the love of writing was put on the backburner, and eventually removed from the stove completely. {Disclaimer: I am a strong advocate for public education.  I survived and flourished through public education.  This is not a post to bash teachers, administrators, or any of the like.} Writing became something that even kindergartners loathed, and they're 5 --- they love everything! 

I recently discovered that at least one school in a local district has no built-in writing time in the daily schedule for K-5 students.  Children are invited to stay after school for a Writing Club, if their parents have the means to arrange for pick-up.  Sad times. an effort to "maintain a vigorous writerly life," (see my inspiration here) I have decided to start this blog. My hope is that you'll choose to read it and, if nothing else, I'll help you enjoy a laugh that day.  Honestly though, this is mostly a space for me to return to that little girl who loved nothing more than a pack of fresh pencils and a new journal...even if it's just for nap time.

"Be courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little." ~ Holley Gerth

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